Our team of electricians is capable of doing rural electrical work. Our long years of experience has let us to understand the needs that are specific in these areas, given that electrical work in the city is quite different to that in the rural Australian areas.
Our rural electrical services include:
- General electrical work
- Regular maintenance
- Minor and major repairs
- Security camera installations
- Interior and exterior lighting installation
- Rewiring
- Electrical appliance installations (e.g. fans, heater, air conditioner)
- Lamp post installation
- Generator installation
- Emergency and temporary power installations
- Irrigation control systems
- Vineyard and farm shed electrical and lighting
- Electric and solar powered water pumping systems
We are also able to do comprehensive inspections to ensure all your electrical installations and equipment are up to current Work Safe and Energy safety standards.
24/7 Expert Electricians
Every one of our friendly, knowledgeable electricians can help you with any of your electrical requirements. Check out our Domestic Services page for our huge range of services.
Areas we provide services to include:
Badgingarra |
Bakers Hill |
Ballidu |
Beermullah |
Beverley |
Bindoon |
Bolgart |
Brookton |
Bullsbrook |
Calingiri |
Cataby |
Cervantes |
Chittering |
Clackline |
Corrigin |
Cunderdin |
Dalwallinu |
Dandaragan |
Dowerin |
Gabbadah |
Gingin |
Goomalling |
Green Head |
Guilderton |
Jennacubbine |
Julimar |
Jurien |
Kellerberrin |
Lancelin |
Leeman |
Meckering |
Merredin |
Mogumber |
Moora |
Moore River |
Muchea |
Narrogin |
Neergabby |
New Norcia |
Northam |
Piawaning |
Regans Ford |
Seabird |
Tammin |
Toodyay |
Trayning |
Two Rocks |
Walebing |
Wannamal |
Wongan Hills |
Woodridge |
Wundowie |
Wyalkatchem |
Yanchep |
Yerecoin |
York |
If you don’t see your area in our list please call Ray on 0409 SPARKI for further information.