You’ve seen these lights. They’re set into the ceiling. To change the light bulb, you usually have to remove the screws that hold the glass or plastic dome over the light bulb. Usually there are about 2-3 screws holding the dome to the frame. Remove them with a screwdriver.
- Now, lift the dome head carefully off the frame. Some dome lights have notch mechanisms instead. In those cases you will push up on the dome lightly, twist it, and then pull it down. This could release it. If there is a notch, you may need to push up into the notch, and then pull it down.
- If the dome light is not screwed in, you could twist the dome off with your hands. Try wearing rubber gloves to remove it in order to increase the friction. Some dome fixtures are fastened to the frame with metal clips. Try pulling out one of the clips, and the dome should usually fall off. Some glass dome lights have a single center nut that you need to unscrew to get the dome off.
- If you have one of those dome lights with a metal rim, you should be able to unscrew the metal trim with your hands. It’s possible you will have to break the seal on it first. For example, sometimes people paint too close to the trim, so paint could have dried between the metal rim and the dome cover. Try pushing it slightly upwards and then twisting it counter clockwise after breaking the seal (you could use a flat head screwdriver or knife to do this. Be careful).
What if the light bulb is way up on a vaulted ceiling? And is recessed lighting? For example, some people have ceilings that are 16 feet high. 
- Go to a home improvement store or online, and purchase an extended light bulb changing pole. These are long poles that you can use to change light bulbs. These extenders can give you a very long reach.
- Attach the suction cup to the hole. Attach the string to the side of the suction cup so that you can release the suction cup from the bulb.
- This process works for recessed lights. The pole works by fastening the suction cup onto the bulb. Extend the pole up to the lighting fixture. Place the suction cup on the bulb. Untwist it, and slowly remove the old bulb. Pull the string to take the bulb off.
- Put a new bulb on the end of the suction cup, which should still be fastened to the pole. Put it up into the recessed lighting fixture. Twist it in. Pull the string to loosen the suction.
Be aware that light bulbs are very fragile. Thus, you don’t want to just toss them haphazardly in your garbage can. If the bulb breaks, the shards can cut someone.
- Wrap the old bulb in the new bulb’s package before throwing it away. You could also wrap the old bulb in a newspaper or old magazine.
- Throw the bulb away in places that children can’t reach. Make sure to recycle the bulb if possible or required in your area.
Alternatively you are always welcome to call us at Bullsbrook Electricity.